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Re: Unhelpful draft names

2015-03-10 07:10:11
On unhelpful draft names that are hard to identify


should clearly have been called draft-farrelly-brothers-mpls...

Lloyd Wood

mpls encryption? I mean, dumb and dumberererer, right?
From: ietf <ietf-bounces(_at_)ietf(_dot_)org> on behalf of Randy Bush 
Sent: Tuesday, 10 March 2015 5:38:35 PM
To: Brian E Carpenter
Cc: IETF Discussion
Subject: Re: Unhelpful draft names

As Yoav mentioned, the authors are new attendees, and the work is targeted
to an IRTF group at that. I have an acquaintance with them and hope they
aren't reading this, but how do folks think this outcry about seems as a
welcome to do work here?

I worried about that before sending my note, but decided that an
invented example was not persuausive. If there's a fault, it's "ours"
for not making the convention a bit more apparent to newcomers. That's
what needs fixing.

i would mention being liberal in what you receive.  but, as a staunch
naggumite, i do not believe that is wise in protocol code.  but this
ain't code.

and i think you were a co-author of the first or second draft-ymbk-...
(it's an old joke.  when megan asked us to insert the organisation name,
jon said "you must be kidding."  so i used that.)


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