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Re: New Non-WG Mailing List: Ietf-and-github -- Discussion of using GitHub in IETF activities, particularly for Working Groups

2016-01-28 16:33:08

Phillip Hallam-Baker <phill(_at_)hallambaker(_dot_)com> wrote:
    > A DDoS against Github or IETF doesn't actually worry me too much
    > because the basic git protocol is pretty resistant to DoS. If one repo
    > is down, use another. The repos will sync anyway. I am now using
    > Github and Sourceforge for git hosting.


My "yeah but" on your proposal is that we should do something smaller.

Update datatracker to include a pointer to a URL where the archive of the
draft can be mirrored.   Have the IETF git pull it.

Whether or not we make that available by default someplace is secondary, the
point is to archive it.    That's a simple first step, and maybe it would
help with our blue-sheet equivalent.

The issues are another question, I believe that they can be retrieved by
RESTful interface from github, but I would not be surprised if they also live
in a magic git repo :-)

Michael Richardson <mcr+IETF(_at_)sandelman(_dot_)ca>, Sandelman Software Works
 -= IPv6 IoT consulting =-

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