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Re: The need for two headers

2004-02-08 09:22:26

On Mon, 9 Feb 2004 02:42, Steven F Siirila wrote:
Be careful here.  If I send a message to multiple recipients at a given
site, all as "Bcc:" or equivalent, I may not want all of the recipients to
see the complete delivery path information if it's going to contain all of
the recipient's addresses.  That would defeat the purpose of "Bcc:".

Mail goes from one sender to one or more recipients. You can think of the 
outgoing mail route as a tree, branching at certain points where mail is 
relayed or forwarded through different hosts. What I would intend to deliver 
to each recipient is information about the particular root-to-leaf path which 
reached them, not that of any other recipient. This means that each recipient 
gets a different bundle of delivery metadata, whereas they all get the same 
message metadata. That's one of the compelling reasons for keeping the two 
bundles separate in the first place: one is static, the other dynamic.


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