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Re: [Nmh-workers] possible problem with mhfixmsg in nmh-1.7

2017-11-26 18:41:35
So in Steven's case something should be done, because test failures are
alarming and would probably stop installation, and perhaps cause
abandonment.  Him not having to work around /nmh suffixes is 1.8.

As a non-contributor I don't (and shouldn't :-) get a vote here.

But for what it's worth I agree with this completely.

     - Steven
Steven Winikoff                | "The reasonable man adapts himself to the
Concordia University           |  world; the unreasonable one persists in
Montreal, QC, Canada           |  trying to adapt the world to himself.
Steven.Winikoff@concordia.ca   |  Therefore all progress depends on the
                               |  unreasonable man."
                               |                      - George Bernard Shaw


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