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Re: [Nmh-workers] possible problem with mhfixmsg in nmh-1.7

2017-11-26 18:29:44
  - I've been using mh for decades (literally!), so I no longer remember
    why I originally chose to configure using --with-hash-backup.

This is now fixed on the master branch, if Ken or David are happy then
it can get cherry-picked across to branch 1.7-release.

That was fast. :-)

It turns out there are two more such failures in test-mhfixmsg, which I
didn't see yesterday because I wasn't getting that far.  (Yes, this is
intended to imply that your suggested fix of pwd -P worked perfectly.):

   diff: /big/local/pkg/nmh/nmh-1.7/test/testdir/Mail/inbox/,11: No such file 
or directory
   ./test/mhfixmsg/test-mhfixmsg: test failed, outputs are in 
/big/local/pkg/nmh/nmh-1.7/test/testdir/Mail/inbox/,11 and 
   first named test failure: with no options:  checks backup
   FAIL: test/mhfixmsg/test-mhfixmsg


   diff: /big/local/pkg/nmh/nmh-1.7/test/testdir/Mail/inbox/,21: No such file 
or directory

   ./test/mhfixmsg/test-mhfixmsg: test failed, outputs are in 
/big/local/pkg/nmh/nmh-1.7/test/testdir/Mail/inbox/22 and 
   first named test failure: -normmproc
   FAIL: test/mhfixmsg/test-mhfixmsg

You may have fixed these already, but I figured I should mention them just
in case.

   ./test/mhfixmsg/test-mhfixmsg: test failed, outputs are in
       /big/local/pkg/nmh/nmh-1.7/test/testdir/Mail/inbox/31 and
   first named test failure: pass through message with relative folder
       path with parse error
   FAIL: test/mhfixmsg/test-mhfixmsg

Is this something I can safely ignore?

Well, if you don't use mhfixmsg, then probably.  :-)

Excellent point. :-)

This is where I admit that until yesterday I hadn't know that mhfixmsg
existed.  Now I see it was also included in 1.6, which I've been using
for over three years, but I must not have read the release notes for it
carefully enough.

Now that I know, I'll probably start using it in future.

     - Steven
Steven Winikoff                |
Concordia University           | "The Universe is not only stranger than
Montreal, QC, Canada           |  we imagine; it is stranger than we can
Steven.Winikoff@concordia.ca   |  imagine."
                               |                        - J.B.S. Haldane


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