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Re: Help with Harassment

1996-07-12 14:40:45
On Fri, 12 Jul 1996, Brock Rozen wrote:

FROMZ="Brock Rozen's Spam Removal System <$COMSAT>"
SPAMMATCH=`perl5 -p -0377 -e 's:\n*$::;s:\n+:|:g;s:\.:\\.:g' $SPAMCACHE`

  * !^X-Loop: $COMSAT
  * $ ? test -s $SPAMCACHE
  * $ ^From:.*(${SPAMMATCH})
  | ($FORMAILZ -I 'From ' \
      -I"From: $FROMZ" -r \
      -A"X-Loop: $COMSAT" \
      -A"Precedence: junk" \
      -I"Subject: Stop Spamming Me!";\
    cat $PMDIR/text.spams) | $SENDMAIL -oi -t

  * !? test -f $SPAMLOG
  | touch $SPAMLOG

      | ( $FORMAILZ -XFrom: -XDate: -XSubject: ; echo ) >> $SPAMLOG

Oh excellent! My implementation of this same little task took about 
three times the lines of code that yours did. I hope that this poor guy can
get some relief. The laws will eventually get tougher, but I'd hate being the
"test case."

Russ Jones - Boeing Information Support Services - Wichita Kansas
tjj0039(_at_)unixmail(_dot_)ks(_dot_)boeing(_dot_)com - (316) 526-9364

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not be construed to represent policies or positions of The Boeing Company.

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