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Re: Another good one for your Procmail spam filter

1997-04-11 17:50:00
On Fri, 11 Apr 1997 16:24:08 -0400 (EDT) steffi2(_at_)dgs(_dot_)dgsys(_dot_)com 
Nicholson) wrote:

ie. if I mail somebody they should be automatically approved since I
don't want to piss them off with the filter.

The point is I want them approved as I send out my message not when
they send their erreply.

The only way I can think of doing something like this is via a gateway
or a procmail rule  but this would require some header munging.

If you use mh to send mail, the answer is trivial -- mh already has
hooks for processing outgoing mail, so you could insert procmail
somewhere into the chain and have it automatically add any destination
address to your 'accepted' list of addresses.  This may even have been
addressed on this list sometime in the past month or so.

I don't normally use mh to send mail (I use mh to store mail because
then I can do neat things with cron scripts and the 'pick' command -- or
with a full text index via glimpse), so I haven't tried this out.

You can set up pine to run your outgoing message through a filter; with
a little work, you could probably accomplish the same thing.  I've set
up pine to allow pgp encryption of outgoing mail, and it wasn't all that
difficult.  To get it to work, you'd have to make sure that procmail,
after doing whatever it is you'd have it do, sent the message on to

It's possible to set up your to filter outgoing mail through
procmail.  I've never tried this, and I'm not sure how one would get it
to work on a per-user basis.

-- Lars

Lars Kellogg-Stedman * lars(_at_)bu(_dot_)edu * (617)353-8277
Boston University Office of Information Technology