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Re: possible problem in Message ID filter.

1997-09-19 15:50:57
At 02:29 PM 9/19/97 -0700, R Lindberg / E Winnie wrote:

Looks non-compliant to me.

 Thanks, we've contacted the list vendor (fortunately not too many people
use Starnine's Mac listserver)

Possibly for good reason.  The listserver shouldn't normally be changing
the message ID (though I'm not aware of any RFCs which would say
otherwise).  Most listserver implementations use the ORIGINAL messageid,
and add a "Resent-MessageID" header.  Look at your own post to the procmail
list for an example.

There are notable exceptions:  Listservs acting as outbound-only mailing
lists (notification lists) rather than discussion groups.  Sometimes they
maintain the poster's messageid, other times they make their own.  Also,
digests posted by listservs will have their own messageid.

In any event, this sort of thing is exactly why I FILE everything caught by
my junkmail filters.  I can (and do) periodically scan through the messages
to see what sort of crap is showing up.  If something that shouldn't be
there is, I know either to change my filters, or alert the individual who
sent me the failed mail that something is amiss with their config.

 Please DO NOT carbon me on list replies.  I'll get my copy from the list.

 Sean B. Straw / Professional Software Engineering
 Post Box 2395 / San Rafael, CA  94912-2395

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