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Re: catching x-Advert headers

1997-09-18 06:34:30
On Sep 17,  5:06pm, W. Wesley Groleau x4923 wrote:
Subject: Re: catching x-Advert headers

And the spammers will have caused more problems, in ruining the reputation
of a nice freeware app.

and their motive may be that the author of Pegasus issued the obviously
unenforceable decree that it may not be used for spamming.
        That's not exactly what the author did.  He modified the license to
prevent inclusion in any pcakage intended for spamming.  It is actually an
enforceable limit, in the same vein as the "for non-commercial use only"
licenses on some freeware.
        Certainly it's legally enforceable, though in the real world, I'm not
sure that there is money for the lawyers.

Matthew Saroff
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