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RE: Spammer-slammer algorithm

1997-10-24 22:57:33
On Thursday, October 23, 1997 04:12, Chris Bidmead 
[SMTP:bidmead(_at_)cbidmead(_dot_)demon(_dot_)co(_dot_)uk] wrote:
A beginner asks:

Why do you complicate this recipe by NOTting your mail-lists?  Why
not simply position it after the recipes that divert your 
to their various mailboxes?

  I'm not that far past being a procmail beginner myself.  The 
aren't re-directed anywhere.  They are part of the first phase of my
filter.  Stuff that isn't addressed to me or one of my subscribed 
is "redirected" to /dev/null.  Stuff that gets past that point still 
to pass the IP address-block test.

 Walter Dnes

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