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Re: Counting headers?

1998-03-10 22:42:41
I've recently added the following to my junkfilter:

# An empty but present Return-Path: header, a signature of RFMS.
* ^Return-Path:[        ]<>
{ JFEXP="$JFSEC: Empty Return-Path: header" }

A space and a tab in those [], as always.

I've been trying out an extended version of this recipe with some
success lately.  I originally started out with the one above, but
soon ran into problems with auto-responses, mail failure notifications,
and mailing lists.  Here's my current incarnation, but it still needs
work.  Need to get more false matches to fix things...

   # New breed of spam -- check for null Return-Path and user in
   #    From_, make sure it's not from root, and try not to catch
   #    vacation program, auto-responder, and mailing list output
   * ^Return-Path:[\t ]+<>
   * ^From[\t ]+(Sun|Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat)
   * !^(From|Subject):.*((auto|automatic) reply)|javascript|vacation| \

I'm starting to get enough special cases that I'm not sure if it's
worthwhile yet.


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