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DEFAULT=MAILDIR/mbox won't work

2000-09-06 21:39:14
If I comment the DEFAULT=$MAILDIR/mbox line then fetchmail will get the
mail from my dialup isp and pass it to exim which passes it to procmail
which appends it to the file /var/spool/mike... or does it?  Maybe exim
is doing this.  Clues are:  when I uncomment the above .procmail line,
to get the mail to my dir of choice, then it fails.  The .forward,
.fetchmail, .procmail, are in my user dir and none of these are in the
root dir (should they be?).  Is there a doc that will lead me through
some debugging so I can get some more clues as to what's wrong.


* ^From: bob*


I have tried dozens of permutations of the elemetary .procmail commands
from a half dozen or so .procmails and it's that defaut line that's
causing the error.  I comment out most everything and it works... then
uncomment lines one at a time until the last line default= is
uncommented and then it won't put the mail in the spool file.  But it
can't put it in my mbox either.  It seems like permissions or failure of
the lockfile to function.  Please help, this first attempt at unix mail
setup is getting frustrating, even though I think I'm on to what the
problem is... if I'm wrong it could just take so much time I'd give up
and go back to netscape.

mike, mail-less in Nebraska, McNally


found suggestion, put
default mda "forward -ds procmail"
in .fetchmail

but sending from a(_at_)box to b(_at_)box doesn't involve fetchmail, it I
understand correctly.  So maybe I need this line in my exim.conf.  That
file is still a bit overwelming.  Any help there would be great. 
Running deb2.2

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