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RE: spamrc.txt file not working

2002-02-12 05:20:18
I'm curious to know how you rate the free RBL's? 

If I was starting up a small e-mail service for 50 or so users and wanted to 
err on the cautious side, ie some junk may slip past, but we emphasise that we 
rarely reject real mail (and I am assuming that users are going to need too 
much training to "opt-in", hence this will be automatic unless they request to 
be "opted out"), then what would you advise me to use?

Also, presumably dumb question, but these RBL's will presumably have no effect 
on any mail arriving via fetchmail because the RBL is checked against the 
connecting IP (ie local) for matching purposes? Or does the RBL look back 
through headers to find the originating IP?


RBLs have traditionally been very effective - the problem is that all the 
useful ones are now pay-for (and pretty steep, as least for small 
shops).  Most of the free RBLs are very likely to toss a fair chunk of 
perfectly valid email.
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