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Re: [pro] Re: Real Virus Scanner

2004-02-12 13:09:36
Gary Funck wrote:
we are missing the X-Virus-Status: header
that says what kind of virus was found

FWIW here's what I now have after following this thread, it almost works ok:

# filter any mail over 3000 through clamav
* > 3000
 VIRUS = `/sw/bin/clamscan --mbox --disable-summary --infected --stdout -`

  # Extract some headers into variables for logging
  * ^Subject:\/.*
  { SUB = $MATCH }

  * ^From:\/.*
  { FRO = $MATCH }

  * VIRUS ?? : \/.* FOUND\>
  * MATCH ?? ^^\/.*F
  * MATCH ?? ^^\/.*[^ ]
  { VIR = $MATCH }


  # send message to a null host
  { HOST = kill.virii.dead }

I was using multipart as the initial filter, but decided doing it on size might be better - but that figure was plucked out of nothing, question is, just how small can a virus be?

My one virus test just gave the log:

12/02/2004 19:33:34 adrinux DELETED Worm.SCO.A F Delivery Status Notification (Failure) postmaster(_at_)roemer-insurance(_dot_)com

So those rules seemed to also match the F of found as well as the virus name. FYI clamscan outputs like this when run on the command line with --disable-summary: Worm.SCO.A FOUND

Will read man procmailrc and figure out why its too greedy - if someone doesn't tell me before I've eaten dinner :)


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