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Re: VirusSnag.rc - modify to clean & pass through

2004-02-20 14:05:30
On Fri, Feb 20, 2004 at 12:49:22PM -0800, Ken Douglass


Well, you seem to have created the file as root or some other
superuser and then made it unreadable by ordinary users. "chmod 644
virussnag-msg.txt" should solve that.

That's what I thought. But all my procmail files already have 644
permissions and owned as root:wheel. I would like to use DROPPRIVS --

If the file's perms are loose enough for ordinary users to read but
you're still getting a "can't read" error, then the path is not
accessible to the users.  A directory needs at least executable
perms for files thereunder to be readable.

   chmod go+x /usr/local/etc

and check /usr/local and /usr .

Or just put the file somewhere else where ordinary users have
permission to see it.


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