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Re: Looking for old versions of procmail

2005-04-10 20:07:07
At 19:07 2005-04-10 -0600, Google Kreme wrote:

"The Procmail mail processing package. (v1.10 1991-02-13)"

Ah, yes, the first version of procmail I used, back on

Heh.  Ever hear of the Netcom Cabal ? <g>

I used procmail on an open access unix system in San Francisco. Subsequently, the admin moved on to other things (and other places), and eventually after the consumerization of the internet, the domain name for Wetware Diversions - - ended up being registered by a p0rn operator.

That was 1988 though, so it wasn't exactly procmail.  Or it was
pre-1.0 at least.

'expect' perhaps?

 Sean B. Straw / Professional Software Engineering

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