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Re: new spam filtering rule

2005-06-29 08:58:49

Your 'this' meaning 'retrying on 4xx errors'?

no,  against Worms and viruses 

so far i discovered is a very simple way of folowing
the basic instruktions from german BSI Ministerium

1: all email with executable atachment got immediatly

That is basic. But before that, you should SMTP-reject,
rejecting garbage is better than discarding garbage.
And rejecting early
(based on a virBL) is even better than rejecting after
the SMTP-DATA is
for this there is spamhaus integrated  and SPF planed in our mail system
2: zip and other archives have to be renamed from
the sender
   and this information given to the receiver or 1:
I don't mind normal zip-attachments. Software like ClamAV
harmful zip-attachments.

You think different if you receive a few hundred a day 

some of this crap is probably originating from Company Customers PC's 
from all the world
so blocking them on no 
standard rules,  harms the  business kommunikation.

ok its getting to far from the origin point off discussion to this topic.

My basic intention to give a comment was to apeal to think twice about rules 
who may work for u if you have a handfull email the day to send. 

For me its getting more and more difficult to make every day shure that all 
email got out to the intended receiver. and we dont spam at all

Thinks like Greylisting, blocking TLD and so on in the hands of somone 
who is not realy experienced and in panic because he has to 
master a virus atack can cost a lot money if people cant receive there messages.

youst imagine a spare part for a ocean liner..............

some simple basic rules helping sometimes more to get your goal than 
complicated non standard procedures where you harm some innocent sender from as 
SPAM detectet email who is non


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