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Re: converting Html to Plaintext

2005-08-20 22:14:41
I'm lost now as to what you ultimately want.  I had thought
you wanted to strip attachments, except for certain ones found
in certain messages.  So why can't you test for those messages,
and if they are found, bypass the stripping and just shunt them
where you want them to go?

I don't want to bypass the stripping altogether, just the stripping of
files with certain extensions. I still want the html and other rubbish

Or are you saying that the message might have several attachments,
only one or some of which you want to keep?

Yes, and html converted to text if there isn't a text/plain, and
appropriate markers + text added about what was removed and what was
kept. Same as stripmime, except that I'd like to be able to specify
which extensions not to strip, eg open office extensions.


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