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Re: TXT Records

2003-11-21 12:42:32
Eric S. Raymond wrote:

spf(_at_)jdl(_dot_)com <spf(_at_)jdl(_dot_)com>:

So why not two-stage the development process in order to "get it right?"
Phase in the initial TXT records, but write the draft stating that it
will (er, should?) be migrate to new SPF RR records.  Over time, it
can be migrated to real RR records then.

I fear that if we do it that way, the migration will never happen :-).

We could do the first draft as a full set of phases with dates (changeable depending on when the draft is accepted) where specific milestones must be met.

I'm starting to feel like this situation is:

A) fast-deployment
B) widespread-deployment
C) correct-deployment

Choose any 1.333

--Jonathan Steinert

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