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Re: Calling ISPs: does bandwidth matter to your bottom line?

2004-01-21 11:51:41
On Wed, Jan 21, 2004 at 10:39:26AM -0800, Sam Norris wrote:
Bandwidth is 90% of the cost almost ... space is easy to find, its the
bandwidth that you pay for ... at least in a decent data center where
everyones not piped thru a T1.

The question is not whether or not bandwidth costs money, but whether --
for an ISP, which presumably has a whole lot of non-email traffic,
which you KNOW because your ssh session always slows down when the guy
in the next apartment over starts using Kazaa -- the cost of the traffic
used by spam is a significant part of the total bandwidth cost.

For us, spam costs a high percentage of our bandwidth, because most of
said bandwith is used for email.  I don't know if that's true for a
typical ISP, with home users and so on.


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