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RE: Blacklists

2004-04-15 09:21:15
Beacause they just include non-spammer url's in the messages 
they send out and then the blacklists black list non-spammer 
sites and become useless due to the false positive rate.

It's the joe jobbing problem all over again.

Thinking about it this would not cause much of a problem if people were
using their own domain names instead of shared ISP domains? 

Lets say a spammer advertised a web site on a shared domain, and that
shared domain became black listed. Now lets say a genuine company sent a
link to a page also on the shared domain that got blocked because the
domain was blacklisted - shouldn't the company have their own domain
name and use that instead?

The only thing I can see being a problem then is if the spammers linked
to their own site, and then linked to innocent sites at random just to
be nasty (which is what you may have been getting at) - this would mean
there would have to be a procedure run by the blacklists to
differentiate between spam domains and innocent targeted domains. How
would they do that?


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