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Re: Citibank

2004-07-14 18:25:49
On Wed, 14 Jul 2004 20:31:57 -0400, Meng Weng Wong wrote
On Thu, Jul 15, 2004 at 09:55:41AM +1000, Chris Drake wrote:
| ... except for anyone using Baysian filters (eg: Netscape / 
Mozilla / | Thunderbird MUAs), where the SPF headers will direct the 
email to the | junk folder...

Look.  The specification, in effect, says

  If you get a Received-SPF: neutral header, you MUST
  pretend that SPF evaluation had not occurred at all.

A Bayesian filter chooses to ignore that "MUST".

Who is at fault, the SPF specification, or the Bayesian filters?\

This will be a self-correcting problem, anyway.

It's happening because right now, a high percentage of the people publishing
SPF are apparently spammers.  (This isn't an uncommon problem.  Remember that
company that copyrighted a haiku and started licensing it as a sort of bonded
sender program?  Pretty much every message I've gotten with one of those in
the headers has been spam.)

As more people publish, and people start marking those messages as 'not spam'
in their filtering software, the weighting in the filters will change.

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