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Re: anti-phishing

2004-07-14 13:22:07
Le mercredi 14 Juillet 2004 21:24, Meng Weng Wong a écrit :

This is why having Microsoft behind SenderID is a big help,
because they add legitimacy to the recommendations, and can
actually dictate a deployment timeline.

I can hardly imagine MS adding any kind of "legitimacy" to recommendations 
concerning any Internet protocol of any kind.

About email security, less than anything else. What percentage of junk-mail, 
spam and viruses today comes straight out of hundreds of thousands 
virused/trojaned Windows machines worlwide ?

The issue of sender/domain impersonation wouldn't be that hot if hundreds of  
thousands of infected Windows machines weren't impersonating you, I, and the 
rest of us sending spams and viruses by the time I'm writing this.

Basically, we're trying to fix a mess which is in good part the result of MS 
poorly written software, and *their* recommendations for fixing their mess 
would add any kind of legitimacy ?

Interesting concept...

Best regards.

Michel Bouissou <michel(_at_)bouissou(_dot_)net> OpenPGP ID 0xDDE8AC6E

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