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Re: Testing?

2004-08-14 10:17:46
On Sat, 2004-08-14 at 11:47 -0400, Meng Weng Wong wrote:
On Fri, Aug 13, 2004 at 06:55:55PM -0400, Guy wrote:
| Also, I would like to test my setup.  Is there an email address that I can
| send to to test my spf1 record?  I would hope this email address would auto
| reply with a report of some sort.  At least a pass/fail message.

there were many calls for such a validation system
at the Redmond ESPC meeting.

We've discussed the requirements for such a robot in the
past.  Nobody has written one yet.

The more you donate, the sooner it will get written.  The
average donation, btw, is in the $2 range.  So it will take
a lot of donations at that rate to make it happen.

bah! please dont pull that stuff, as it really hurts the "community"
spirit IMHO.

I believe there is one out there, i have in my sent items the following


give a whirl, here is what you get back:

Chris's SPF email checker v1.0

Usage instructions.  (your results are below)

1. Compose an email from the normal place you want to send an email
from, to any address you'd normally want to write to, but:
2. Add '.spfchk.SenderPays.com' on the end of the recipient email
address (eg: fred(_at_)example(_dot_)com becomes
3. Send it
4. Wait for the test results to come back to whatever email address you
sent from

Optional - you can use .spfchk111.SenderPays.com, or .spfchk000.
SenderPays.com etc instead. The meanings of the 1's or 0's is this:-
First place - allow SPF trusted checks (if 1 - disallow if 0 - default
Second place - allow SPF guessing (if 1 - disable if 0 - default 0)
Third place - Check callerID as well (if 1 - disable if 0 - default 1)

Note: this test will return stuff to you, including the actual SPF
command and its output, which SpamAssassin thinks is chickenpox and
scores it badly... so if you don't see your test results within a few
seconds, check your spam folders...

I think that might be what you want.

Michael Weiner
Senior Systems Administrator