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Re: Article on Microsoft patents and Caller ID

2004-09-21 20:20:03

Meng Weng Wong said:

OK, so don't disclose your workarounds to the public
domain.  Talk to me privately about them, and I will help
you patent them; and then I will help you preserve them for
freedom and the public good.  Only after we have them patented
can we disclose them to the open community.  Welcome to the
ironic side of the 21st century.

This is such a genuinely sad state of affairs. I fear that I am too old to
fight these battles anymore. I have written a new piece about what's
happened with MARID and I have a strong suspicion it may be my last
opinion piece as there is simply very, very little left to say. I'll send
the link to the new article up to the list in a second message.

Cheers Meng. Keep your chin up... :-(

Chief Tech and Bottle Washer