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Moved to SES-DEVEL list (was Re: SES)

2004-10-29 10:54:11
On Fri, 2004-10-29 at 15:15 +0200, Frank Ellermann wrote:

The usual tricks like s/txt//, s/txt/html/, or s/06/07/ don't
work.  I'm sure that my system won't be able to display PDF :-(

I had to perform some hardware changes which resulted in the backend
disappearing and unfortunately it affected a lot of the other sites on
there including the SES site.  However, thats all been fixed as of ~5am

I've "moved" this thread over to the SES-DEVEL list.  If you are
interested in SES I encourage you to sign-up and express said interest
in the appropriate venue.




James Couzens,
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