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Re: Poll on Organizing the Council

2004-11-13 11:06:16
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On Sat, 13 Nov 2004, william(at)elan.net spewed into the bitstream:

w>I'm going to conduct new poll on organizing itself because I do not think 
w>current effort is going to go well and it is not representative of what 
w>SPF community is expecting (but I may well be wrong). If it turns out I'm 
w>wrong and people really want to have the council immediately that will decide
w>what to do for next year (with no rules governing it or organization) then
w>I'll be able to properly decide on the "conditional" part of my acceptance 
w>to be there and if I want to work on such council or not.
w>As always please answer by replying to the list and stick to the question
w>itself (which except for question 5 has multiple choice or yes/no answers).
w>This poll will last 5 days until Wednesday.
w>1. Do you believe that SPF Organization (and SPF council) need to have
w>   defined rules of order to function properly and be able to represent 
w>   SPF Community?
w>     Answers: YES/NO


w>   If answered YES, how do you think the rules should be approved:
w>     a. Separate full work on the SPF-discuss mail list
w>     b. Vote only by SPF elected council


w>2. Do you want to see elections immediately for SPF council (answer
w>   no matter how you answered 1)?
w>     Answers: YES/NO


w>   If answered YES, what do you believe this new council should do
w>   (answer each question separately):
w>     2a. Work on SPF charter and rules of conduct.  YES/NO
w>     2b. Supervise SPF community activities as seen in part 3 of my
w>         original SPF Organization Questionnaire? YES/NO

2a. YES
2b. YES

w>3. If elections for the council are carried out without any formally
w>   approved rules, how long should the council function?
w>   Answers:
w>     a. Until the new SPF charter and rules are approved by the community
w>     b. For 6 months no matter what
w>     c. For 1 year no matter what
w>     d. For 2 years no matter what
w>     e. The elections should not be carried out at all if there 
w>        are no approved rules on how long SPF council will serve.

Until a formal body is organized. Sorry but your answers did not fit the
response I needed to give!

w>4. What should be the rules for initial election for the council?
w>   Answers:
w>     a. Anybody at all (no restrictions for those on spf-discuss
w>        no matter if they posted before or not).
w>     b. Anybody who have participated in SPF Community (based
w>        on at least one post on spf-discuss mail list)
w>     c. Only those who have participated in SPF Community recently
w>        based on last 1 month of posts
w>     d. Only those who have participated in SPF Community recently
w>        based on last 2 month of posts
w>     e. Those who have participated more actively in SPF (at least
w>        2 posts every month for 3 of last 6 months)


w>5. Who would you like to see conducting elections for SPF Community?
w>   (Give the name of one of the active SPF participants who you like
w>    to see do it. The person with more votes then others will be asked
w>    to do it. If he/she declines, then next person on the list, etc)

John Glube.

- --
csm(_at_)moongroup(_dot_)com, head geek
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