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RE: Sendmail white paper

2004-11-23 10:10:47
On Sun, 2004-11-21 at 12:53 -0500, terry(_at_)ashtonwoodshomes(_dot_)com wrote:
Agreed, the over-zealous are a problem, but mostly they are just
hurting themselves.

I'm not sure that's entirely true. When they encourage people to
implement SPF without properly thinking it through for _themselves_ they
do us all a disservice. People who are encouraged to try SPF, but have
to stop because they are losing valid mail, are much less likely to try
one of the alternative, saner methods. 

For Mark's benefit -- that goes for both those which I 'invented' and
those which I didn't. 

Not that I really consider myself to have 'invented' SES. I'd consider
it fraudulent to attempt to patent the idea, for example, because it's
so obvious once you were thinking about SRS and SPF. It was hardly an
infinite monkeys and infinite typewriters situation -- more like one
monkey and a strong cup of coffee.


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