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RE: Sendmail white paper

2004-11-24 02:42:04
On Wed, 2004-11-24 at 09:35 +0000, Richard Bang wrote:
For this reason ftgate.com publishes a -all. If you want to forward mail
from our domain to another location then you had better make sure that the
forwarding system uses its own envelope address and doesn’t impersonate us.
If you forward my message then you are sending a new message and you MUST
not pretend that you are me, that is spoofing, in the real world its called
impersonation and you get locked away for it.

You can call it what you like. However it's been normal practice for

I can call it spoofing when the postman delivers a letter from my
mother, because he patently isn't my mother. I can demand that he
rewrites the return address on the back of the envelope to be his own
address, or I won't read the mail. That doesn't mean it's sane for me to
do so.