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Re: Condorcet Voting for Council Elections and Council Votes

2004-12-13 17:44:31
Monday, December 13, 2004, 8:55:14 PM, Julian wrote:

JM> Shane Rush [shane(_at_)red(_dot_)nymcity(_dot_)com] wrote:
Quite, this is a misleading example:  eg 5:5 where it is hard to expect
a clear winner.

JM> This is not a very unrealistic example, though.  We will very likely
JM> encounter situations where we have to vote on three or more similar
JM> alternatives.  Some of those issues might even be put before the community
JM> to vote on.

Again we are talking at angles, I have no disagreement with Mark
whatsoever with his example for reaching a consensus conclusion in a
meeting.  I do have issue when the same example is used to support
a different topic of voting of candidates.

The /vote for council members/ is completely different, we have a couple
of hundred choosing 5 from about 12 where a fifth position tie is

JM> I am astonished as to how you can say this given that the vote counts for
JM> positions 3-6 (Chuck Mead to Greg Connor) were so close, positions 3 and 4
JM> even on par:

I never said two or more candidates would not get the same vote, I
only claim that we only need be concerned with unlikely results that
straddle 5 and 6 positions, a tie-break is not hard to organise.


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