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Re: Condorcet Voting for Council Elections and Council Votes

2004-12-13 11:27:14
Monday, December 13, 2004, 9:17:55 AM, William wrote:

waen> Would you be willing to consider using Condorcet only as a way to
waen> determine winner in case of a tie? It would work as follows:

My objection is that we have a simple system that worked well and I don't
see how a change to ranked voting will be useful.  If a runoff is
available as a final option, why not use that if 5 clear winners are
not immediately chosen.

I obviously need to do some proper research for Condorcet but a quick
back of envelope test shows me that while Condorcet voting may be
strategy-free for a large constituency when it comes to the small number
of votes being cast here then strategy is instead magnified.

waen> I agree. We do not have enough voters and condorcet also has some
waen> weaknesses when it comes down to that more then one candidate is to
waen> be selected.

Thanks for the pointers, I've been involved with ranked voting before
and would rather have references to show that the suggested system
is either similar or different.


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