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Re: Condorcet Voting for Council Elections and Council Votes

2004-12-13 02:17:55
On Mon, 13 Dec 2004, Shane Rush wrote:

Julian Mehnle says in spf-council,

The state of the art of voting methods are ranked voting methods, more
specifically Condorcet voting.  Every voter may declare a ranking of all
the available options, from most desired to least desired.  Then a
somewhat complex tallying process is performed, possibly using some
tie-breaking method, resulting in a set of winning options of the desired

I am very much against this idea, though I understand a desire by some
to make changes to produce solid results.  My initial thought is that
the last thing that is needed is 'complex tallying process' -
simplicity and an open understandable tally means that like the first
vote everyone can check their own vote and do a tally themselves -
even if/when next time the origin of each vote is aliased.

Would you be willing to consider using Condorcet only as a way to 
determine winner in case of a tie? It would work as follows:

1. Each voter selects 5 candidates and puts them in order of preference
2. The total votes are counted and if there are no ties the 5 candidates
   that got most votes are declared a winner. 
3. If several candidates had same number of votes, then condorcet is used
   to determine their ranking among each other (i.e. who was prefered more
   over the other). If there is still a tie (not very likely) a runoff
   is held.

  Condorcet voting represents the voter's preferences optimally and
is strategy-free.

I obviously need to do some proper research for Condorcet but a quick
back of envelope test shows me that while Condorcet voting may be
strategy-free for a large constituency when it comes to the small number
of votes being cast here then strategy is instead magnified.

I agree. We do not have enough voters and condorcet also has some 
weaknesses when it comes down to that more then one candidate is to
be selected.

William Leibzon
Elan Networks

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