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Re: Solicitation for a Webmaster for the official SPF website

2005-06-11 10:13:08
wayne wrote:
Does anyone have a 5 year old computer they could send Frank
so he can experience the world of computers in the 21st

Hm, my old box died 2001, so five years would a downgrade...

No, http://www.vocalabs.com/ was really down yesterday, and
David fixed it immediately.  Today I get "valid HTML 4.01"
with the W3C validator, and that's all what I wanted to see.

/me is only half joking.
p.s.  I'm not sure which half.

Don't use UTF-8 when you don't need it.  Try Latin-1.  Stay
away from all hex. character references, even if the W3C is
not exactly happy with dec. character references.  They are
smart, but "backwards compatibility" is their blind spot -
but you have me for "visible with any browser" issues. <eg>

In the worst case we could roll our own "legacy XHTML" DTD,
but actually a proper subset of "transitional" avoiding most
obsolete crap is good enough.
                             Bye, Frank

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