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Re: Collecting domain names for the official SPF website.

2005-06-18 06:43:54

On Sat, 18 Jun 2005, Julian Mehnle wrote:

Also for future when list is ready I think SPF council will need to
organize an election because this issue is too important to be decided
by them along. I strongly recommend approval voting system where each
person can choose all the domains he/she LIKES and at the end 1-3
that are "liked" the most (plus any .TLD variations of those) would be
considered official ones after final council's approval.

We'll be using CIVS[1], which uses Cloneproof Schwartz Sequential
Dropping[2] (CSSD), a Condorcet variant.

Can I request a link to council resolution on this topic?

William Leibzon
Elan Networks

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