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[spf-discuss] Re: nobody @ xyzzy

2006-02-22 00:34:49
John Kelly wrote:

Maybe.  But the mail situation has reached crisis stage.
It's time to shoot first and ask questions later.

I can understand that attitude.  But if you reject mails
from a list you're subscribed to it's not what you want:

The list could unsubscribe you automatically.  And the
software you're using is seriously flawed, checking PRA
on v=spf1 is utter dubious at best.

In the case here you could bypass the problem by the 
"let SPF PASS overrule PRA FAIL (or vice versa)" option.

But that's a special constellation, because AFAIK this
list should result in SPF PASS, no matter what PRA does,

                      Bye, Frank

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