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Re: [spf-discuss] Users mistaking the SPF project for well-known (to them) ISPs (Fwd: Huh?)

2006-06-09 03:45:12
On Fri, Jun 09, 2006 at 10:19:23AM +0000, Julian Mehnle wrote:

Does anyone think it would be a good idea to add a visible note to the
"why.html" page explaining that "we are not associated with any ISPs, not 
yours, and not the recipient's" (or something to that effect)?

My feeling is:  people don't want to read all that stuff, they don't
care what it says.  They see a form and start bashing without even
looking where they are.

What is needed is a simple, one button way to reject such messages.
Not just reject, but also sending a standard reply:

  Dear Internet user,
  Your request for support was rejected, by a human.  This means you
  probably failed one of the following tests:
  1: is the message addressed to the sender's provider
  2: is the message addressed to the receiver's provider
  3: is the message abusive, like "<example censored>"
  4: is the message demanding, like "you must fix this now",
     "you will do as I say", "you repair my computer now", etc.
  5: this is not a request for SPF support
  We are here to help people.  If you want to try again, please do so.
  You are expected to understand that:
  1: We are not associated to you or your provider.
  2: We did not reject your message.
  3: We are human beings.  If you want to shout at someone, go find a mirror.
  4: You are expected to read the available documentation.
  5: We do SPF support, not email support, not web browser support, etc.

  the SPF support team

The information sent to normal, decent, cooperative users can then be
reduced to only a couple of lines.


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