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Re: [spf-discuss] Users mistaking the SPF project for well-known (to them) ISPs (Fwd: Huh?)

2006-06-09 04:02:57
On Fri, Jun 09, 2006 at 12:51:50PM +0200, Arjen de Korte wrote:

I think it might be a good idea to make a distinction between ISP's and
mail service providers. Obviously, in this case they are different
entities. And that in general it is not a good idea to use a username from
domain/ISP 'A' and send it through the mail submission servers from
domain/ISP 'B'.

Sure.  But do you want to provide this information on the contact form
before people start typing their message?

I don't think so.  Eventually the entire site would be on that single page,
resulting in an information overload.


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