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Re: [spf-discuss] Users mistaking the SPF project for well-known (to them) ISPs (Fwd: Huh?)

2006-06-09 06:39:16
On 6/9/06, Arjen de Korte <spf+discuss(_at_)de-korte(_dot_)org> wrote:

And while we're at it, I would also make the page less technical. Adding
instructions for mail system administrators on how to add an IP address to
an SPF record won't be useful to the vast majarity of ordinary users.

I hear Clippy has some free time and there is a whole warehouse full
of "Bob" somewhere. (Sorry, I couldn't resist).

I do agree that the page should be less technical. It should however
include links to a more technical page should an individual be
interested in looking under the hood.

As usual, just my 2 cents.


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