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Re: [spf-discuss] Re: Microsoft plagiarism

2006-06-24 13:23:34
In <200606241913(_dot_)14872(_dot_)julian(_at_)mehnle(_dot_)net> Julian Mehnle 
<julian(_at_)mehnle(_dot_)net> writes:

Really, SPF is heavily based on DMP and RMX and both of those were
likely re-inventions of and/or based on earlier work.  When we go
around and say "SPF" we don't say "SPF, which is a derivative work of
DMP, RMX and many other systems, yada yada yada".

Oh, but we do: [google search snipped]

We don't give credit every single place we mention SPF.

(Compare that to this one if you care: [google search snipped]

Ok, so MS gives credit to others, just not as much as we do.  That is
normal for any corporation.  What are you going to do next?  Accuse
Dell of plagiarism because they don't mention that Compaq pioneered
the portable computer every time they mention "laptop"?

The people that we are trying to convince to stop spam/phishing/etc.
don't care who invented it.  They care about what it can do, how it
works, and how to use it.

[...]    I did not say they were claiming to have invented it.


n 1: a piece of writing that has been copied from someone else and is
presented as being your own work 2: the act of plagiarizing; taking
someone's words or ideas as if they were your own

When you accuse them of plagiarism, you are accusing them as claiming
they invented it.  Not giving credit to others as often as you like
does not qualify as plagiarism.

Now show me where they give credit to Meng, Danisch, Fecyk or any other 
non-MS contributors, except in the specs themselves (as demanded by the 
IETF) and in their very early press releases from during MARID (when it 
obviously was _them_ who had to gain from associating with Meng's SPF).  
Please show me!

Well, since this started with the Email Autentication Summit, how


You accused Microsoft of plagiarism

Yes I did, and I uphold that claim.

Ok.  Well, I guess I'm disappointed.


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