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[spf-discuss] Re: Another test case for the test suite...

2007-01-12 09:24:19
Alex van den Bogaerdt wrote:

Now is the time to get hands on experience, with an easy fall back
mechanism (just remove the SPF RR record, and your TXT record will
be used again).

Maybe that's the way to go for the future proposed standard.  The
"experimental" was forced upon us, we're free to take it literally
and report as results of this experiment:

- two DNS record types simultaneously is a royal PITA
- the wannabe spf2.0/mfrom alias for v=spf1 is a PITA
- PRA is a dubious idea, at best it deserves an op=pra
- spf2.0 is stillborn and should be moved to "historic"
- some v=spf1 "features" turned out to be unnecessary
- the SPF RR could be used in a future "spf3", but the
  backwards compatible v=spf1 PS doesn't really need it


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