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[spf-discuss] Re: Better approach to the forwarder problem

2007-01-12 09:58:30
Conventional postal service, which is the model for SMTP

NAK, there are essential differences.  The source routes business was
related to similar UUCP constructs.  

Note that one difference is that it is computers in the intermediate
hops as opposed to postmen.  Postmen cannot be expected to keep logs
(add headers) on intermediate hops (by scribbling notes on the letters, maybe?)
Computers can and do have this ability.  If it were
economical/practical, the postal service would do this, too.

Wait - the postal service _does_ do this.  Have you seen the package
tracking that is done these days?  Package/letter tracking is
*wonderful*.  There is no fundamental reason this could not be done
electronically with e-mail.


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