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Re: [spf-discuss] SPF -all domain survey

2007-12-10 12:45:32
On Mon, Dec 10, 2007 at 06:48:26PM +0000, Greg Hewgill wrote:
On Mon, Dec 10, 2007 at 04:01:44PM +0100, Alex van den Bogaerdt wrote:
To balance things, you may want to keep score on providers not checking
SPF records.

If you can think of a way to do this non-invasively (that is, without
actually sending any email!) then perhaps it would be possible to
collect such statistics. Otherwise, I am certainly unwilling to send
any email to test such a policy.

I understand, and I agree.

100% reliability will be hard to achieve, but here's a possible
way to start:

Let people send you misdirected bounces which shouldn't have happened
due to SPF. As more and more come in, you find that many reports are
supporting each other.

If you want to reduce (perhaps even eliminate) the chance that a whole
bunch of forged reports generate an entry on your site, you could send
mail to postmaster, asking them about their SPF policy. You do so from
a server resulting in FAIL. If that bounces, you don't list them.

Yes, this would mean sending mail, but I believe that this is within
reason. You would be doing so after the domain sent many bounces, and
you ask them about this.

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