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[spf-discuss] Re: SPF -all domain survey

2007-12-10 13:45:01
Alex van den Bogaerdt wrote:

Let people send you misdirected bounces which shouldn't have
happened due to SPF. As more and more come in, you find that
many reports are supporting each other.

Sounds like a full time job for a research project.  Even
spamcop doesn't try this, they get tons of bounces, but it's
not *obvious* if that should have been a rejected SPF FAIL:

Policies change, not all bounces go to the envelope sender,
and the reported bounce doesn't necessarily say to which
address it was sent, the 2822-To could be misleading. :-(

Yes, this would mean sending mail, but I believe that
this is within reason.

Well, I do this sometimes (directly or via Spamcop) when I
get a misdirected bounce, but of course I'm entitled to say
that I don't want misdirected bounces, and why they should
reject SPF FAIL:  they sent me mail first, I can answer :-)  


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