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Re: [spf-discuss] Re: advice wrong, or is it?

2007-12-21 14:28:03

On Fri, 2007-12-21 at 22:15 +0100, Alex van den Bogaerdt wrote:
There is absolutely no forwarding problem.  The person receiving a
message (note: receiving!) is resending the message using someone
else's email address.  He's doing the damage but expects others to
clean up after him if things fail.

This is how SMTP has worked since the early 1980s, and still works
today. If you choose to believe that by continuing to be compatible with
how email has worked for over two decades I am 'doing the damage', then
so be it.

If you use -all, there are situations in which your mail will be thrown
away. If you reject for failure, there are situations in which you will
be throwing away genuine mail, forwarded through normal, SMTP-compatible

It's very disingenuous of you, Alex, to tell people otherwise. 

What's worse, he himself is sending to an account which *also* opted
in to SPF. So the troll *is* using SPF.  Else there wouldn't be a
so called problem.

You seem very confused, or very dishonest. I am not using SPF at all.


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