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Re: [xsl] XQuery basics

2008-06-05 01:28:13
2008/6/5 Robert Koberg <rob(_at_)koberg(_dot_)com>:
I think I get what you are talking about: An XSL is like a JSP or PHP
page. But, as I am sure you know, you cannot include/import components
the same way you can in something like JSP. The components are not
reused! Your in-memory XSLs can start to take up a good deal of space if
you have quite a few (which sounds like what you want).

Also, are you going to (eventually) want to duplicate the functions that
the eXist team put together for XQuery in eXist on the web? E.g. in
addition to request parameters, are you going to want request/session
attributes (set and get)? Maybe send an email? :)

implementation details... :0)

Andrew Welch
Kernow: http://kernowforsaxon.sf.net/

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