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Re: reply etiquette

2004-09-29 07:07:33

Which is exactly the opposite of what some other people consider to be common courtesy. Many people feel that common courtesy dictates that you SHOULD trim down the To/Cc recipients to just the list name.

"Common courtesy is neither common, nor for some people, courteous." -- me

        Tony Hansen

Keith Moore wrote:

 It is inexcusably rude to reply to someone's message without
 sending the reply to the person who sent the message.  You
 have done that with several of my messages.  I demand an

I am rather confused by this posting.
Can anyone explain it to me?

it's very simple. if you reply in a public forum to a message that someone sent, it's common courtesy to send the author of the original message a copy of the reply.

for a variety of reasons, merely sending the message to the public forum is not sufficient, unless the author has explicitly indicated that this is sufficient.

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