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Re: [Asrg] An amazing amount of spam

2003-03-20 03:24:28
On Wednesday, Mar 19, 2003, at 20:34 Europe/London, Alan DeKok wrote:

wayne <wayne(_at_)midwestcs(_dot_)com> wrote:
The spam problem *can't* get as bad as Alan's spam problem.  There
aren't enough pipes on the whole planet to create enough spam to make
it that bad.  Spam may be growning at an exponential rate right now,
but we all know that exponential growth can't go on forever.

  It can stop when the outbound pipes from the spammers are full.  The
problem is that there are a lot of pipes.

  I see no reason why spam can't increase by 2-3 orders of magnitude
over where it is now.  While spam may be 50% of the SMTP traffic on
the backbone, there is a LOT of unused bandwidth out there.

From my measurements, spam represents about 0.05% of internet bandwidth (at 5% of all email traffic in terms of size (though 50% in terms of quantity)).


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