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Re: [Asrg] Ban the bounce; improved challenge-response systems

2003-04-06 11:04:11

On Sunday, April 6, 2003, at 08:42  AM, Hallam-Baker, Phillip wrote:

I think the problem here is that some people think there is some sort of
obligation to remain tie to the lowest common denominator.

I think the problem here is that some people think that anything that's not convenient to their preferrred solution can be tossed or ignored.

And maybe it can be. But everything that breaks the status quo is a thing that complicates implementation and requires people be convinced to accept it. The more complicated the changes, the harder to implement and the longer it'll take. The more people you have to convince, the longer it'll take. Lose enough of the population that refuses to buy in, and it fails.

I just keep getting convinced that people keep building solutions that don't really have much experience outside their own server systems, haven't spent much time dealing with international environments, or generally just don't have a good clue what the global infrastructure is, just the local. And that's fatal to a plan that has to work globally to work.

(I don't pretend to be expert in these areas, either, but it seems I spend a lot more time dealing with people in global environments that many of the folks here... and that worries me)

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