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Re: [Asrg] New take on emerging idea. (yet another C-R system?)

2003-04-10 12:35:54

On Thursday, April 10, 2003, at 11:53  AM, J C Lawrence wrote:

It is, or at least can be.  Flexible systems are like that.

but at the same time, we're likely talking about multiple systems, and/or systems with different operating modes. The typical user doesn't need real-time token generation for web pages, what they want can be stuffed into a mail client and doesn't require any server side at all. Handle it all at the MUA level if you want. and it wouldn't be the first time someone built a system with an "expert mode" that hid secondary features until a user decided to tackle them....

An MUA-based individual whitelisting system that interfaces to your address book (and stores your permission scheme in your address book) would solve most of the complexity for Joe User with some careful design, and make it portable to the user, not the server. Then other systems can be put in place at the server and organization levels if you want to manage the larger infrastructure issues (role accounts, web scraping, etc), and to implmenent organizational white and black lists and such. Those can be managed by "us pros", and be more complex, and yet stay out of the way of a client also doing their own personal management on a micro level.

No need for "a" solution here, and frankly, it's not what we want. There's a use for organizational spamblocking and personal spamblocking (i.e.,'s stuff on OS X), and a use for organizational whitelisting systems and personal ones. they're complementary, the only real issue is making sure they don't get into turf wars by C/Ring each other to death. ("you identify first!" "No, you!") -- but that's no worse than vacation bot wars, is understood, and we should realize up front we won't solve that problem, either.. (grin)

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