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Re: [Asrg] Some data on the validity of MAIL FROM addresses

2003-05-23 12:24:28
At 12:12 PM 5/23/2003 -0600, Vernon Schryver wrote:

I'm belaboring the obvious because I'd like to get the myth that most
spam is forged squashed before the spam problem is ended.

Some of spam is definitely being forged - the actual percentage varies depending on whom you ask (although someone like BrightMail might provide some real-world statistics). We should be looking at ways on dealing with it anyway regardless whether its the majority of spam. So whether it is a majority or not is irrelevant - but stopping forging will not solve the spam problem.


Yakov Shafranovich / <research(_at_)solidmatrix(_dot_)com>
SolidMatrix Research, a division of SolidMatrix Technologies, Inc.
"One who watches the wind will never sow, and one who keeps his eyes on
the clouds will never reap" (Ecclesiastes 11:4)
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